Pictures for every day of the year

Archive for July, 2011

Model pup

We were photographing the puppies to sell them today [hence the date stamp]

This was cute. They are so gorgeous to hug ^^



It was the first time the puppies were let outside!

Albeit, they were in a cage…They really wanted to get out ^^;


For a great cat

It’s my name in chinese *gasp*

Today Neo died…We found him out near the front of our house, which is near a road, so he much of been clipped by a car during the night…]=
He was such a ratbag, and sneaky, and cute, and loveable. I’ll miss him ]=
In honor of him:


Words and Darkness

My goodness, I’m imaginative!

/it is late. These late nights are a terrible habit.



Was out exploring, and found this wee area!

Yep. It was on my phone, so the quality isn’t too great. However the place was awesome!
