Pictures for every day of the year

Archive for March, 2011


It was late, like, 20 past 11 late, and I needed a picture. I was also at my german camp, so I couldn’t really go anywhere.
So a random picture of a curtain pattern [a particularly gaudy one in my opinion ><]


Frosty morning

The mist looked very pretty, so I quickly snapped a pic before heading off to church. If I’d had more time, and wasn’t a zombie, I would have played around with composition more ><


Yellow Eye

I was at my friend’s and her dad went fishing. I just took random pictures of the fish ><

It was very fun though! We made pizza’s and watched movies and such. [and yet my picture is of a fish…>.>]


Watery Jewels

Heading to drama, as per usual, but it began to pour with rain. I got off the bus to be greeted by flat out pouring rain >< Normally, I might have just wandered and got drenched, but I had drama so I ran to the nearest cover.

The awesome thing was that rain makes for awesome photo’s, and I simply adore taking pictures of dew. Petals. Dew. Awesome ^^

This was one of my favourites. I think the tones just…speak to me, or something strange like that.

It looks kind of like a heart, the dew a little jewel or something inside it. ^-^
Anyways, my school photography club has a competition, and the theme is ‘Contrast’. Hopefully, I can think and enter a photograph in time! [I suck with deadlines].
Also, I managed not to start a sentence with ‘so’. It was actually a conscious effort ^^;;


Too Much Awesome, too Little Time

Had a loooong day, and rather tiring. I’m even up SUPER late and I rather dislike that >< But, considering I'm up late due to wide reading, I thought I'd take a picture of all the books in my book pile.

Those are all the books I need to read.

    A Winter’s Tale, Jane Eyre


    The Importance of Being Earnest

are my books I’m studying for school, and the rest I just NEED to read. That pile also includes The Black Lung Captain by Chris Wooding, I am Number Four, re-reading The Cardturner and Mortal Instruments, Linger by Maggie Stiefvater, and about a kijillon other books I’ve seen but can’t read because look what I already have to read, plus school! And I want to play pokemon, and do a short film and go to bridge club…
Am I sounding like a total nerd yet?
