Pictures for every day of the year

Archive for March, 2011


She’s thinking ‘Why are you taking another picture of me? It’s going to be crappy because it’s late and you forgot to take a picture again didn’t you? Huh?’
Yes, I think that’s what she’s saying.

My day was incredibly awesome! But, alas, I didn’t take my camera! GAH. I have a terrible habit of never having my camera handy when I should! ‘Tis a pain. Well, dancing in the rain isn’t the best time or place for photo’s somewhat…still!


Forgotten music

Wandering the house, in search of yet another photo, I walk into an obstructing piece of furniture. As I nurse my poor leg, I decide to take note of and yell at the furniture, when I register what it is. My piano! It was rather foreign to me, considering I hadn’t touched it for….*ahem* well over two months >.> Poor thing’s been rejected.

And it’s a gorgeous piano, in my opinion. I’ve been meaning to play…I guess it’ll wait yet another day *sigh*


Abstract when late

Yay for abstract photo! No? Well, it was late. Apparently, a wall and lightswitch can be interesting…But I will definitely work on that [especially since I need to think of photography competition ideas D:]



So my darling Jazzy has been returned to the breeder to be entered in competitions and be impregnated! I miss her so much! I got home from German camp only to see that, in return, we have her 9 year old mother to look after until Jazzy gets back. Veya may look similar to Jazz, but she’s bulkier, longer hair, timid and doesn’t like going outside. The total opposite to Jazz!

Here is Veya. It was rather sad. I took her for a walk, and she walked NEXT TO ME. I know I used to complain about Jazz practically ripping my arm off when we walked, and being a total pain, but she’s so much nicer…


Opal Light

Home from German Camp! I am incredibly tired after having to process german for two days, and lack of sleep, and stuff…
I went to a mate’s after I got home for about an hour, and I found this rock in her room. I think she said it was an opal…Anyway, it made an awesome red refractiony thingy light and it was pretty^^
