Pictures for every day of the year

Archive for February, 2011

Chocolate dream

Another late pic. Instead of being all photographer like though, I just thought I’d showcase what’s in my fridge. Namely, how much chocolate we have.

The sad thing is, we had more about 3 hours ago[but my family go to them] and it’s not unusual for us to have this many chocolate bars lying around >.> We also have an abundance of energy drinks, chips, and other assorted junk food. And I’m the healthiest eater around and rather dislike it all.

Oh, we have one of those chupa chup containers like at the supermarket, with the lid with chupa chups on show, too. We had chupa chups non stop for 6 months last year, no joke.

What a totally random end to my Februrary of photography =]


Shadowed Bridge

How unoriginal my titles are >< But alas. Anyway, I have no idea what I was photographing, but that I wanted to take a photo.

I like the contrast between the shadow and the light, but I lost the focus badly. I blame the sun in my eyes and I couldn’t clearly see what I was photographing on the screen ^^;;



The cumulonimbus clouds were absolutely breathtaking! I couldn’t stop staring at them. Sadly, by the time I’d walked to my hill their columnous shapes had compacted into one large clump, albeit an awesome white, magnificent clump! But, instead of posting pics of clouds AGAIN, I decided to try a compositional type shot.

Lamppost against the clouds.

Vs. lamppost against the blue sky.

I like the contrast ^^


Swimming Sports

Today was swimming sports! Instead of taking part, however, I was photographer^-^ I hope I can be official…Anyways, it’s rather difficult to photograph people swimming elegantly [or, actually capture a person swimming…] so I only really have decent pictures of people diving ^^;

Other than taking pictures at swimming sport and enduring an otherwise terrible time, I had a pretty good day! [aka, drama].


The Colours of sunset

Today was a great day! Not only because it was the day after yesterday, which was equally as awesome, but because I got an award in assembly! I received a flower for my 71 excellence credits from NCEA, earning me 3rd place in the top ten scholars of my year^^

This is totally awesome, I’ve never received a flower for anything! And at our school, a flower is like, the ultimate reward^^

Then, tonight, I wanted to photograph the sunset, but left rather late. I had to run the 1km down my road and up a hill, and I made it just in time to get some shots of the orange sky…regardless, I thought my pictures were alright, and I still had a nice walk^^

This shot is very…atmospheric. I rather like it. I think the colours of the sunset were rather gorgeous tonight. Usually they’re particularly neon, but they were nice and soft:D Probably because of the awesome clouds…^^
